for bicycle rental

Bike Rent Rimini


regolamento noleggio biciclette


To Rent you must be over 18 years of age, deposit a valid ID which will be returned when you return the bike, and pay the security deposit required depending on the type of bike in cash or by pre-authorization on a credit card.

regolamento noleggio biciclette


The deposit amounts are the following and will be reversed or returned upon return of the bike after finding no damage:

City-bike € 100,00
Fixed € 150,00
MTB € 250,00
Gravel € 250,00
E-bike € 500,00
regolamento noleggio biciclette


The customer (renter) is responsible for the rented object and assumes full responsibility for the rented object.
The rented object is not insured and The risk is 100% borne by the renter. Damage caused by negligent behavior is the responsibility of the renter. In case of loss of the rented object, due to theft or total and irreparable damage, the value of the rented object will be charged to the renter at the list price indicated by the manufacturer.
In case of theft of the rented object, the renter shall immediately file a report with the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
In case of damage to the rented item due to inappropriate use and/or vandalism treatment, or partial damage, repair costs will be charged to the lessee at the following list prices:
Puncture € 8.00
Replacement of tire: City-bike € 20.00 – Fixed € 30.00 – Gravel € 40.00 – E-bike € 35.00
Replacement of wheel without tire: City-bike € 25.00 – Fixed € 35.00/70.00 – Gravel € 40.00
Pedals: City-bike € 12.00 – Fixed € 24.00 – Gravel € 36.00
Saddle: City-bike € 10.00 – Fixed € 20.00 – Gravel € 30.00

LOSS OF PADLOCK € 25,00 or KEY € 10.00

regolamento noleggio biciclette


The rented item must be paid in advance up to the day and time of return. Delivery must be made by the agreed day and time of return. For deliveries after the specified time an additional day of rental will be charged .
In the event, the rented item, for any reason, is not returned to the lessor by the agreed day, a theft report will be automatically filed at the end of the 3rd day from that date.
In case of early termination of the contract by returning the rented item, no refund will be given.
Unforeseen events can always happen and a cancellation is unpleasant for both parties. In the event of cancellation of a rental reservation under the Consumer Code, there is no right of withdrawal
(Pursuant to Part III, Title III, Chapter I of Legislative Decree 206/2005 of the Consumer Code).

regolamento noleggio biciclette


During the rental period, it is possible to replace the rented bicycle model with another of a higher category with the adjustment of the rate. There is no refund in case of replacement with a model of a lower category

By signing on the rental agreement, the lessee declares that he/she has accepted the terms and conditions of the contract and expressly agrees to the professional adjustment of the seat height, brakes and geometry of the bike according to his/her personal characteristics and that he/she has collected the rented object in perfect condition.
All legal acts shall be subject to domestic law, even if the renter has his/her residence abroad.
These rental conditions are also fully applied for rental contracts concluded online.

Noleggio E-bike Rimini